
My Shot Put Routine


1. You want to gather all of your shot puts and also get your favorite shot put to throw with.

2. A good warm up to do before you enter the circle is to work on getting low. For either shuffle, glide, or spin you have to stay on the balls of your feet and get low. Balance is key! You want to get a medicine ball and put it on the ground in front of you. You want to stand on one foot and find a balance and put ur other foot behind you. Once you get your balance, you want to slowly bend down to go touch the medicine ball. You want to do this as many times as you can to find your center balance and to stretch the back of your legs.


1. The first thing you want to do is always enter from the back even while warming up. It makes it easier to remember when you do it every time.

2. A good warm up for shot put is to stand on the toe board and have your back towards the background facing towards the circle. Next, you take the shot and squat while putting it in between you knees. You want to pump up and down a few times before releasing it. This helps with the explosive movement of your throw.

3. After you release the shot you wont to go out the back just like you would during the actual competition.


1. When entering through the back you want to practice just from a power stance. If your a righty, you want to have your left foot up against the toe board and your right foot a step behind with your heel lining up with the instep of your left. 

2. To hold the shotput you want to locate it just below your chin with your thumb pointing down towards your shoulder. You always want to keep your elbow up in the air.

3. You want rotate your hips towards the back of the circle while lowering your chest down to the ground while keeping your back straight.

4. While putting most of your weight on your right foot, you want to be standing on the balls of your feet.

5. While snapping your hips forward and keeping your head up you want to release the ball. When you release the shot put you want to fully extend your arm .

6. After a few of those, you want to go to the back of the circle and start either your glide, shuffle, or spin.

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